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December 31, 2012 0 Comments
Last year I found this idea on Pinterest.  It was suggested that throughout the year you write down your memories in little notes and place them in a jar/box, and then read them at the end of that year.  So we tried this throughout 2012 and read them today for New Year's Eve.  This is such a wonderful idea!  I really hope that you will try it.  We read through all of our memories from the year, the good and the bad.  Things that had already been forgotten and other important life events that we are now glad to have noted the date on.  We will be saving our 2012 jar as an archive and will definitely be doing this again throughout 2013.



December 25, 2012 0 Comments

For years John and I have built and decorated a gingerbread house together as one of our Christmas traditions.  This year was the first time we decorated gingerbread as a family of three.  Sera was very excited to be involved.  We picked out a train this year, and though it never actually went together exactly the way it was supposed to, we all had a fun time together getting messy with icing and candies. 

Learning how to set the camera timer and getting everyone to 'look' at the same time.

We hope you all had a very merry Christmas!


Mama's Little Helper

December 16, 2012 3 Comments
Our baby girl is quite the ‘little helper.’ She is so eager, insistent really, to be involved and to learn. And I want to take the time to make the learning fun for her, to cause her to want to continue to be involved and helpful. And while I am taking the time to teach her, I also want to take the time for myself, to enjoy these moments that will become cherished memories in my own mind. It too often is these simple moments of chores or other usual daily activities that we tend to just take for granted. I don’t want to take these moments for granted - the time is going by too fast, and my baby girl is growing up!

Linking up with Raising Homemakers.


Christmas (a little early)

December 15, 2012 0 Comments
This year our persepective has changed a little bit about having to "wait" until Christmas Day.  And since Sera's present arrived a little early and Daddy had a little time to assemble it while Sera was napping, she had a nice suprise when she woke up...her very own kitchen!



His Handywork

December 14, 2012 0 Comments
Did you enjoy the [Geminid] meteor shower last night? It was a first for us. I cannot remember ever seeing anything of comparison. Dozens of ‘shooting stars!’ It was absolutely amazing. If you have never taken the time to look to the heavens during such an event, I would urge you to! (The news has reported that you may still see some showers tonight, even though the peak was in this morning’s early hours.)

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“…The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” ~Psalm 19:1B (KJV)


"Back to Eden"

December 09, 2012 0 Comments
We wanted to share a link with you for a documentary that was a blessing to us.  Mr. Gautschi causes you to really think about gardening differently, both physically and spiritually. 

"BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden." 

So, if you are interested and haven't already seen it, you can click on this link to see the documentary free. 



December 04, 2012 0 Comments
From one season, to the next. It seems like just yesterday we were entering the fall season, and now, already, winter is only weeks away. The time has gone by so fast. And in such a blur.

Since the seasons have changed [in our personal lives] we have seen the persimmons ripen and the leaves fall from the tree. We anticipated the ripening and harvest of our pecans and walnuts, but unfortunately with everything that happened we missed the gathering. We ‘forgot’ about our small garden and in our absence it seemed to flourish on its own with some beautiful greens. Since the loss of John’s Dad we have had to re-organize the family business and we have been busy taking care of some land that his Dad had in Tellico. We have celebrated Thanksgiving with family, and now preparing our hearts for the upcoming Christmas. We have many blogging plans that we hope to bring to you in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for sticking with us and for your patience. Sorry it has been a bit crazy around here.


Eccles. 3:1-11 (KJV)
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: [2] A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; [3] A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; [4] A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; [5] A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; [6] A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; [7] A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; [8] A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. [9] What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? [10] I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. [11] He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.


Trying to Find the Right Words

November 11, 2012 0 Comments
Firstly, I want to apologize for our absence.  It feels like it has been so long since I have been here.  So hard to believe that a month has went by!  It isn't that we haven't had anything to blog about.  There have been posts swimming around in my head for a while, but the timing hasn't been right. 

When John's dad passed away, John and his brother were left to take over the family business.  There has been a lot to figure out and still some hurdles that must be crossed.  I have been back to work, helping at the business as much as I can, so I haven't had as much time to work on blog posts, and neither of us have even had much of a chance to think about all of our homesteading projects that were started months ago.  We are just now getting some of our focus back, along with some new ideas because of our new circumstances.  Truthfully, we have been so busy and so rushed lately that I haven't even had a chance to walk to our little garden in a couple of weeks.  I finally got out there today, just to check on things, and I was excited to see how well our lettuce and spinach is doing.  

We want to thank you all for your prayers and understanding.  We miss being here, and are looking forward to getting back on track.   


Giveaway Winner!

October 15, 2012 0 Comments
Sorry to announce so late in the day; things are still crazy around here...

Anyway, the winner of our fall giveaway, selected by's random number generator, #11, who was... Mark Patrick M., following us via Twitter.  Please email us at with your shipping address!

Thanks to everyone who entered!!


Peaceful Retreat

October 14, 2012 0 Comments
“Peaceful Retreat”
(written by Sherrie Bradley Neal)
Down a narrow hidden path.
Sought out by Wisdom’s eye.
A peaceful place of refuge calls.
To come rest awhile beside.

Listen to the waters.
Falling over mountains steep.
To gently flow for endless days.
Through eternity’s retreat.

And on the far horizon.
Of the never setting sun.
The harvest of the whitened wheat.
Is very nearly done.

As work on earth comes to a close.
Peace will be complete.
Surrounded by the beauty.
Of eternity’s retreat.

Lee Buff (aka Dad), 1959-2012

This week has been such a whirlwind. Unreal. A shock. Sadly, and very unexpectedly, my husband’s dad passed from this life on Tuesday, October 9th. Our world will never be the same.  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.


A Gardener Learns...The Fall Garden

October 08, 2012 1 Comments
Barbara Dodge Borland said it best, “A gardener learns more in the mistakes than in the successes.”

In September we went ahead and planted our small fall garden, in part because we were anxious to get going, but also as sort of an experiment. We knew that by getting started we would begin our learning experience. Things are not going bad, but definitely could be better. What we planted (spinach and leaf lettuce) is growing, but growing at seemingly a slower pace than what should have been anticipated. However, Morning Glories are loving the garden's bed and are trying to take it over! 

We are keeping a journal of what we are learning, so that in our next attempts we will know areas to change and improve upon. For now the soil is extremely rocky and very dense and likely in need of a lot of nutrients.

Our goal is to stay organic, so we will be doing some research on organic fertilizers and will continue with composting in hopes to build the soil’s richness and, just maybe, with what we learn, our spring garden will produce a much better yield.


The mountains are calling...

October 07, 2012 0 Comments
We had a cold, but, nonetheless, a lovely and peaceful weekend in the mountains, visiting family and enjoying the start of the fall colors.  Weekends just are never long enough, and there is still a lot that needs to get done today, so for now I am going to leave you with a few pictures from our Saturday.



Wild/Woodland Strawberry

October 03, 2012 0 Comments
While working out in the yard today, my daughter and I found a little treat - some wild strawberries.

Wild strawberries typically have a much stronger and sweeter flavor than the domesticated versions and are highly nutritious containing iron, potassium, calcium, sodium and high contents of vitamin C. And not only are the berries edible, but also the stems and the stalks. You could also make a tea out of the leaves by placing about two handfuls of the fresh green leaves into about a quart of boiling water; allow to steep for about five minutes and then serve with some fresh lemon juice or some sweetener.


Fun Fact:  Wild Strawberries are a part of the Rose (Rosaceae) Family.


My New Little Friend

October 01, 2012 0 Comments
Yes, I am referring to a spider. And I will start by saying, I don’t like spiders in my home, but this little guy and me have an agreement – as long as it stays outside, we can be friends.

On our hiking trips, John and I noticed some spider webs that were weaved into funnel shapes, beautiful works of art, absolute masterpieces. I had never really seen anything like them before. Then the other morning when I came outside I noticed a new, rather large web stretched between a window and chair, and behind the window’s shutter was the familiar funnel. I finally got to see the spider up close…and we had a little scare, the two of us. This species of spider is extremely fast! I believe I startled it just as much as it startled me, but it was so much fun seeing this spider up close.

From my research, I have found that the spider is appropriately called a “Funnel Web Grass Spider.” These spiders typically are non-aggressive and generally do not bite unless they feel threatened without option of escape. Just maybe, while ‘my friend’ is staying with us, it will take care of a few other insect pests.


Playing Outside

September 29, 2012 0 Comments
Our Saturday plans were a bit skewed because of some rain, but we made the best of it. It was warm enough this morning and the rain turned to a drizzle – a perfect time to play in some puddles! We had a blast.

By the way, did you know that September 24th through September 30th (annually) is “Take a Child Outside Week”? Unfortunately, I was a little late learning about this ‘annual event,’ but wanted to share with you the organization’s website ( I was excited to get some new ideas on activities that are both fun and educational and targeted towards different age groups. They share some great resources.


Legend of the Persimmon Seed

September 24, 2012 2 Comments
Fall is definitely in the air, and off to a very cool start no less. We have already had several very chilly mornings that have required some long sleeves. This cold weather creeping in has already got me thinking about wintertime. Last winter was fairly mild here. It never really seemed to get that cold and we didn’t really get any snow. I have to admit, since our little girl is running around this year, I wouldn’t mind getting some snow – I really look forward to watching her see it for the first time and play in it.

So will we get any snow this winter? The Farmer’s Almanac suggests that we might…because apparently, according to folklore, one of the great predictors of the upcoming winter is the persimmon seed. Legend says that if you cut a persimmon seed in half, you will find an inner shape that resembles flatware. A knife shape indicates a cold, icy winter (wind cuts through you like a knife), a fork shape indicates a mild winter ahead with only possibly a dusting of snow, and if the shape inside the seed resembles a spoon, you should prepare for a snowy winter (shovel to dig out all the snow).

With our persimmons almost ripe, we decided to have a look at their seeds, and this is what we found...a spoon/shovel...every time.  So, does this legend hold any true merit? I guess only time will tell.
Have you tried this? What ‘piece of flatware’ did you find?

Linking up with the "Homestead Barn Hop" and the "Morris Tribe's Homesteader Blog Carnival"


Living 'Off The Grid'

September 21, 2012 0 Comments
I wanted to share this documentary, made by the Stroud family.  There is alot of useful information and things to think about if you are considering a move to living off the grid.  I was especially thankful for the insight provided by their children.  If you have kids, what are some ways that you keep them excited and involved?   


The Best Fried Okra (and Peppers)

September 19, 2012 1 Comments
We don’t fry a lot of food in our house, but okra is just one of those things you want fried every now and again. I came up with this recipe recently, while experimenting and trying to change up the usual, and, I will have to say, this is now my favorite way to have fried okra.  And even my husband, who isn’t the biggest fan of okra, really likes it.

Ingredients (sorry, “my country measurements” are listed, but these should be adjusted anyway to personal taste preferences):
*Okra (approximately 1 ½ cups chopped)
*Banana Pepper (2/medium)
*Cayenne Pepper (1/average)
*Cornmeal (approximately 1 cup)
*[A couple of pinches of] Kosher Salt
*[A dash of] Black Pepper
*[A dash of] Paprika

Cut the okra and peppers into thin slices. Rinse and blot/dry the okra. Mix together the cornmeal, salt, black pepper and paprika. Add in the okra and pepper slices and mix until fully coated.

Preheat some vegetable oil in a pan at a medium-high heat (I prefer to fry okra in a cast-iron skillet, but you can use whatever you feel more comfortable with). Slowly add in your okra mixture, be careful not to overcrowd the pan. Flip/stir occasionally, giving time for the batter to crisp. Cook until golden brown.

By the way, did you know that okra is loaded with vitamins A, B and C and also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium?

Linking up with:  Raising Homemakers


Morning Glories

September 18, 2012 2 Comments
Most morning glory flowers unravel into full bloom in the early morning with vibrant color that fades during the heat of the day. The flowers usually start to fade a few hours before the petals curl/close. Morning glories are generally considered perrennials in warmer/frost-free climates and tend to spread rather quickly. Our flowers are taking over the fencing.   

Linking up with:


Summer is Soon Ending...Time for a Fall Giveaway!

September 16, 2012 0 Comments
Who doesn’t love a giveaway!?!

So what are we giving away? A handcrafted/blacksmith-made bottle opener.

Want to get in on the giveaway?
There are several ways to enter, each increasing your chances of being selected and each helps get the word out about Uncharted Heritage. Use any or all.

Here is a list of what you can do for entry credits:
*Follow our Blog via Google Friend Connect (found in our right sidebar) = 1 entry
*Follow/”Like” us on Facebook = 1 entry
*Follow us on Twitter = 1 entry

*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your own Blog (be sure to leave us a link to your Blog in the comment section) = 5 entries
*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your Facebook = 1 entry per day per person
*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your Twitter = 1 entry per day per person

*Bonus 3 Entries:  Leave a comment here [at our blog] or post a comment on our Facebook page telling us what you love most about the Autumn/Fall Season.

Please note:  If you are already a follower, thanks, we will be happy to enter you into this giveaway if you will simply leave a comment or send us a message telling us that you do want to be included (you will be given credit as described above for the places that you follow us and for any shares).

Contest closes at 9:00 p.m. (EST) on October 14th and the winner will be selected randomly and announced on our blog (the winner may also be contacted by Twitter Direct Message or Facebook Message, depending on where the winning entry came from) on October 15th. The winner will be given three (3) days to contact us via email/messaging. If the winner does not contact us by the deadline a new winner will be selected.

Also note:  If your tweets are protected, I won't see them unless I follow you on Twitter. I will make a return follow request to as many new followers as I can, but there may be a delay. Anonymous entries will not/cannot be entered in the contest.


Hiking #2

September 15, 2012 0 Comments
Today we went back to the nature park. We are working to increase our endurance by traveling new, more difficult trails and longer distances. Since the new trails were much more quiet and not traveled as much, there were more signs of wildlife, which of course was exciting. Today we hiked 4.6 miles with our lunch break at the “Hidden Lake” again, under ‘our shade tree.’ The day was absolutely beautiful and peaceful.

Here is our day in pictures…