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A Gardener Learns...The Fall Garden

Barbara Dodge Borland said it best, “A gardener learns more in the mistakes than in the successes.”

In September we went ahead and planted our small fall garden, in part because we were anxious to get going, but also as sort of an experiment. We knew that by getting started we would begin our learning experience. Things are not going bad, but definitely could be better. What we planted (spinach and leaf lettuce) is growing, but growing at seemingly a slower pace than what should have been anticipated. However, Morning Glories are loving the garden's bed and are trying to take it over! 

We are keeping a journal of what we are learning, so that in our next attempts we will know areas to change and improve upon. For now the soil is extremely rocky and very dense and likely in need of a lot of nutrients.

Our goal is to stay organic, so we will be doing some research on organic fertilizers and will continue with composting in hopes to build the soil’s richness and, just maybe, with what we learn, our spring garden will produce a much better yield.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to keep a journal to learn from year to year. It's definitely helped me. Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Greens!!
