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Summer is Soon Ending...Time for a Fall Giveaway!

Who doesn’t love a giveaway!?!

So what are we giving away? A handcrafted/blacksmith-made bottle opener.

Want to get in on the giveaway?
There are several ways to enter, each increasing your chances of being selected and each helps get the word out about Uncharted Heritage. Use any or all.

Here is a list of what you can do for entry credits:
*Follow our Blog via Google Friend Connect (found in our right sidebar) = 1 entry
*Follow/”Like” us on Facebook = 1 entry
*Follow us on Twitter = 1 entry

*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your own Blog (be sure to leave us a link to your Blog in the comment section) = 5 entries
*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your Facebook = 1 entry per day per person
*Share/Announce and link to this post/giveaway on your Twitter = 1 entry per day per person

*Bonus 3 Entries:  Leave a comment here [at our blog] or post a comment on our Facebook page telling us what you love most about the Autumn/Fall Season.

Please note:  If you are already a follower, thanks, we will be happy to enter you into this giveaway if you will simply leave a comment or send us a message telling us that you do want to be included (you will be given credit as described above for the places that you follow us and for any shares).

Contest closes at 9:00 p.m. (EST) on October 14th and the winner will be selected randomly and announced on our blog (the winner may also be contacted by Twitter Direct Message or Facebook Message, depending on where the winning entry came from) on October 15th. The winner will be given three (3) days to contact us via email/messaging. If the winner does not contact us by the deadline a new winner will be selected.

Also note:  If your tweets are protected, I won't see them unless I follow you on Twitter. I will make a return follow request to as many new followers as I can, but there may be a delay. Anonymous entries will not/cannot be entered in the contest.

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