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Photographing Four Generations

January 31, 2018 0 Comments

It is not often that all of my [Dad's side of the] family is able to get together. We all live in different states, scattered throughout the country. It has been a long time since we have all seen each other, and it was the first time all the great-grandchildren were together. We tried to use this rare opportunity to capture a family photograph of the four generations. 
How complicated could it be? 😎


One EGGtravagant Dinner

January 25, 2018 0 Comments
We have been quite blessed. We have four hens, and we still get four eggs every day, despite us being in the winter months. Our typical go-to ways of cooking eggs are usually simply scrambled or hard-boiled. With our surplus of eggs, we decided we needed a breakfast-for-dinner night. We also decided it was time to change things up a bit. 

Trying something new. 
Bread (pressed down in the middle), egg in the center, cheese around the edges. 
Baked until egg was done and bread was toasted.
This was sooo good!

Poached eggs.

Fried eggs.

Dinner was EGGtraordinary. But now we are all EGGhausted.
Time to learn how to sell eggs.

Anyone interested in buying a dozen, or three, eggs?


Bannock Bread Recipe

January 24, 2018 0 Comments
Bannock is an easy-to-make and extremely versatile bread.

Ingredients (1 serving size):
1 cup flour
1/2 cup water, add slowly/not all at once
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 to 1/4 tsp salt (modify according to your taste)
1/2 tsp sugar (modify according to your taste)
(fruit of your choice is optional)

Mix dry ingredients. Add water until dough is the consistency of a biscuit dough.

Place in covered fire-safe (greased/oiled) cooking pot, and place over fire. Bake approximately 30 minutes over fire.

Alternately you could cook on the stove-top (in a greased pan) over medium heat for about 10 minutes each side, or you could bake in an oven, preheated to 400 degrees F approximately 20 minutes.


Backyard Survival with Dad

January 23, 2018 1 Comments

Over the weekend Dad and Daughter had a backyard adventure. Teaching Sera, practicing building a fire, cooking outside. Really just enjoying being outside together on a unusually warm day in January.
Sera's bushcraft kit.

Checking the coop for eggs.

6 eggs were collected! Eggs are now on today's menu.

Dad's bushcraft kit.

Making "shavings" from fatwood to be used to start the fire.
Getting prepped to cook.

Getting the fire going.
Sera practiced using a ferro rod and Dad gave the flame a little extra oxygen.

What's on the menu?
Scrambled Eggs
Boiled Eggs
Bannock Bread (Click HERE for Recipe)
Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate!

Bannock Bread!


Whoops, bottom got a little burnt.

Linking up with Outdoor Outpost


First Snow of the Year!

January 17, 2018 0 Comments

The sleet and snow mix started yesterday afternoon, and continued until a little after midnight.

 There isn't a ton of snow covering the grass, but the driveway, sidewalks and roads are very slick and mostly ice. The weather forecast says that we will not get above freezing until at least tomorrow afternoon.
John unfortunately had to make a trek out onto the roads at a very early 3:00 a.m. because of inventory at his job. Thankfully he made it safely to work, though he said if he had been able to have turned around on our road and came back home he would have. Secondary roads are pretty bad. Once he made it to the main road, things were better.

P.S. I am so thankful our heat is fixed!


Smoke in the House! Fire!?!

January 07, 2018 0 Comments

Blurry early this morning my husband woke me up saying, "There is smoke in the house! There is fire somewhere!"

I quickly followed his instructions to turn off fans, turn off the heating unit, grab the fire extinguisher. He took off to a smokey attic, where he found burning/melting around the AC/Heating Unit. Thank God that the house itself was not on fire!!!

Children are safe and warm, spending the day now with their Maw. The house is getting colder.

...and colder...

...and colder.

Apparently the motor burned up on the HVAC unit, and a couple of other things need to be replaced. Today is Sunday, so repairs won't be happening today.

We have one smallish radiator heater, and one very small space heater that we usually use in one of the bathrooms. The plan was to purchase one more radiator-type heater. Plans don't always work out though. After checking with two local Walmarts, Home Depot and Lowe's - all were COMPLETELY sold out of heaters!!! Thankfully my parents had a spare one that they are letting us borrow.

Two heaters placed strategically in the master bedroom and bathroom. Door closed to the bedroom to trap the heat inside. Bedroom is now nice and cozy. The rest of the house is FREEZING.


Time to get back to work! And time for changes!

January 06, 2018 0 Comments
Sometimes you just have to START AGAIN. It is time to pick up where I left off.

We have been through quite a season since I last posted. We have lost loved ones, and our family has also grown. It is now time to begin a new season. Our goals may have changed a little, but we still have the same dreams. We still want to become more self-sufficient. We still want to learn more about who we are, where we came from and who we are called to be.

But, as I just mentioned...we are in a new season of life. Things have changed, and will continue to change. Updates are due, and are coming. And things look a little different around here. WELCOME BACK!