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Are you willing?

October 30, 2013 0 Comments

If God asked you to do something, or to give something up - would you? Do you love Him [and your family] enough to do so? Is there something that you have already felt a conviction over that you are hanging onto? What blessings that could be in store for you, if you would just obey! What does the Lord require of you? And are you willing?


How do you prepare for illness?

October 26, 2013 0 Comments
It has been a rough week. Just when we thought that we were getting back on track with things our daughter came down with the flu. Poor little thing! As any parent knows, it is so hard to see your child sick. But thankfully she is now feeling much better! And so hopefully we all will be sleeping better again.

From a “prepper” standpoint though, any suggestions on how to be better prepared for the sudden appearance of illnesses?


Time to check your flatware...

October 19, 2013 0 Comments
The cold weather arrived quickly this year.  Rather, it snuck up on us!  And really it feels almost as if we are skipping directly from summer, right on into winter.  

Where did autumn go?  

As we were playing in the yard today, we noticed how quickly the trees are becoming bare again.  Almost all of the leaves were missing from the persimmon tree, now with what is left of the fruit clearly visible.  

Got us thinking about the legend of the persimmon seed

Thought we would take a look again this year...

Looks like we have another spoon this year.  
Have you tried this?  What piece of flatware showed up in your persimmon seeds? 
Should we begin preparation for a snowy winter?


Hiking # 3

October 12, 2013 0 Comments
Another thing we have missed is hiking. Hard to believe that it has actually been over a year since we have been on a hiking trip. And today we had a nice, moderate 4-mile hike to get back into it. Definitely got to work on getting our endurance back! Ha ha! But it was nice to be out there and away from all the other 'stuff' that is going on. Hopefully there will be more trips to talk about in the near future, but for now, the baby is asleep and my body is tired - so it is time for some rest.


A future filled with hope...

October 11, 2013 0 Comments
I have been feeling pulled in every direction. I am tired. I am worn. But I have been away too long, and I miss being here. I have missed the connections and friends I have made here. I miss the quality time with my family, and my husband. And I miss our plans and our goals. But our dreams and goals have definitely evolved over the last year with all of the changes within our lives. And – despite the challenges we have faced – we are blessed. We have grown a little more and gotten a little older [and hopefully a little wiser] along this way. We are not the same people. So, I am not sure how this blog will evolve as well. At this point we still have uncertainties [of course with life there are always uncertainties]. We are wondering about the future – thinking about the business and our careers, family plans, homesteading ventures, ministries, etc. We are looking forward to a hope.


DIY Jewelry Box

May 06, 2013 0 Comments
I was wanting better organization with my jewelry, and this was a simple solution using a medicine cabinet.  There are many styles to pick from, so you can get as fancy as you would like. 
The model of medicine cabinet I chose to use.

I selected some cork board, which came with its own sticky pads [or you could simply glue the cork board to the walls of the medicine cabinet]. 

Prepare the cabinet, take measurements for cork board.

You can easily cut out shapes with a box cutter/razor to fill in all areas of the medicine cabinet walls that you want to utilize to hang your jewelry, etc.

Apply sticky pads or glue to walls of cabinet.

And simply stick/glue the cork board to the medicine cabinet walls.

Add shelves to your cabinet.

There are also a number of styles of push pins to customize your jewelry box/cabinet with.  I opted for some wooden push pins, which matched the style and color of the interior of my box/cabinet.  Just move them around to whatever works for your items.  

Easy as can be!


...the time of the singing of birds is come…

May 04, 2013 0 Comments
Every year, since the birth of our daughter in 2011, a ‘little birdie couple’ has built a nest above the screen door on our front porch. This year was no exception. And in the midst of all that is hectic, these birds are a nice distraction, a reminder to slow down and enjoy life in the moment. I do so enjoy watching the Mama and Daddy Birds as they build the nest and subsequently feed and care for their little ones. They work so hard all day long, rain or shine, selflessly caring for their little babies. And all too soon the little baby birds will leave their comfortable nest and make their appearance.

“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come…” ~Song 2:12a (KJV)


Home Show

February 24, 2013 0 Comments
Today we took a little time to visit a home show at our local convention center. There was a lot of useful information there about alternative energy, i.e. solar and wind generator, as well as water treatment/purification systems and various types of home builders. We were a bit overwhelmed with information, with so many types of products, but it was all very interesting.  We really hope one day to get to be off the grid, so looks like we have lots to learn.


Buds and Blooms...All Things New

February 19, 2013 0 Comments

The sun is shining again with its warmth, and the days are getting a little longer. The trees are budding, and, if you take the time to look around, you may just spot a blooming flower. 

Spring isn’t here yet, but you can feel it near, with its new hopes. We are moving forward, we are making plans. 

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. ~Rev. 21:5 (KJV)