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Vegetable Garden Companion Planting - Our Tentative Plan

This year we are going to try companion planting. One of the benefits of companion planting is protection from pests and diseases when planting in the right combinations.

I have been studying the vegetable companion guide in Storey's Basic Country Skills (picture below), as well as various online resources.

To begin grouping the vegetables we want to plant, I got out all of our seed packs, sat down with them and began to pair items up following the chart, and removing items that were not preferred. Almost as if I was playing a card game. If I had an item that was not listed on the guide, I would check for references online.

After I used all my cards seed packs, I began to make lists of the combinations, adding items I didn't have a seed pack for, and also any special notes of things to consider when we begin planting.

We ended up with six garden groups (shown below). This is our basic (tentative) grouping plan.

I am excited to get started, and anxious to see how well our gardening and groupings work out this season.

Do you garden using the companion planting method?

This post is linked at Saturday Sparks @ Pieced Pastimes

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