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The Letter E

Some weeks just go more smoothly than others. This week was not a smooth week with keeping her attention, but we still managed to get a lot done. We still did the typical activities with discussing our 'letter of the week' throughout our days and we read plenty of stories/books.  She still played games at and watched Sesame Street's "Letter E" clips.  

We used the dry-erase board - she traced over my writing.

We did our finger painting, "E" is for Elephant.

We also made Elmo.

And colored a picture of Elmo and an Eagle.

For our Bible studies, this week we talked about prayer.

This week gave me new ideas on what I can do to change things up a bit to hopefully keep her interested. Just as she is learning things each week with her "studies," I am learning more about her and how to teach her in the future - so this has been a learning experience for the both of us.

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