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Home Show

February 24, 2013 0 Comments
Today we took a little time to visit a home show at our local convention center. There was a lot of useful information there about alternative energy, i.e. solar and wind generator, as well as water treatment/purification systems and various types of home builders. We were a bit overwhelmed with information, with so many types of products, but it was all very interesting.  We really hope one day to get to be off the grid, so looks like we have lots to learn.


Buds and Blooms...All Things New

February 19, 2013 0 Comments

The sun is shining again with its warmth, and the days are getting a little longer. The trees are budding, and, if you take the time to look around, you may just spot a blooming flower. 

Spring isn’t here yet, but you can feel it near, with its new hopes. We are moving forward, we are making plans. 

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. ~Rev. 21:5 (KJV)