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Could it be?

January 09, 2021 0 Comments

We have dreamed of owning a piece of off-the-grid property for years. We have looked at a few places periodically throughout that time, but nothing felt right. 

Earlier this week John messaged me and told me he felt like we needed to go look at a piece of property. I said, 'okay,' and he made an appointment with the real estate agent. 

It was a cold and dreary day. To be honest with you, I really didn't want to go today. But I am so glad I did. The moment we stepped out onto the property it just felt "right." But we are not the type of people to rush into things. We usually think about it, and talk ourselves out of most things. We took a moment to pray together, we submitted an offer, and before we had made it home we already had a call that the owner had accepted our offer.

Today is the beginning of a new journey...